Friday, August 28, 2009

ripped boyfriend jeans


Who says only skinnies are in? ;) Do you dare?

It's saturday!!!

*IF you love the jeans, email me :) Coming soon at Miss OCD :) (psst! they are not jeans with gutters.. But actual jeans with sizes :) available from sizes 25-29. Selling very fast of the record!)*

Wearing: Ripped studded shirt from Miss OCD, Boyfriend destroyed jeans from Miss OCD (COMING SOON!), Awesome heels from Kiss and Tell, Fedora from Flea Market, Bag from UK

I LOVE the destroyed effect :) and a peekaboo to the legs are a definite must! ;)

Going to have dinner later with the boysssss.. Cause Kaelynn is too busy to layan me :( Have you ever experience everyone rejecting to go out when you are FREE and when you are busy, everyone is asking whether you are FREE to go out? *raise hands* BAH. Anyway, dinner with the boysss sounds good too :)


Kaelynn said...

coz our timing tak ngam :( and when timing ngam both our car's are not with us. bleh. next week next week!

Miss OCD said...

douwan *merajuk*