Saturday, May 15, 2010

my friday

hey all!

How's everyone doingggg?

I had a great Friday yesterday. ACCEPT that I could not sleep :(

I came back from a coursemate gathering (again!) :) And I just could not sleep. Weirdness maximum.

I felt cold. Then hot. Then I felt like my mouth was burning -.- Weird much? I was all awake up till i don't know what time.. :/ All I remember was seeing the sky turn from night to day.

But it wasn't like I was sick.. Or anything.. I am perfectly fine.. -.-

So now I am pretty stoned


Few things to update.

I met Eric on Friday at MV to collect my BB cover and to mee up with coursemates.


what do you think?


i also heart my juicy couture theme. I just changed it today from my Hello Kitty theme. Downloaded it from BB App world a few weeks back.. I love the chioness of it. Why? Every time when I get a new SMS or a new Email, a diamond pops on the screen :D hehe. I know, it's dumb. But I love it!

1st time drinking green tea cream and i heart! :D

I normally drink Java Chips and Dark mocha frap.. But this is a whole new drink that spiced up my tastebuds! A definite must try! (Altho one of my coursemate stated it tastes like wasabi -.- forgive him, he had a long day..)

me with some of my coursemates..

I don't know why.. (maybe I am growing old..) I prefer drinking this and spending this on starbucks rather than booze. Now, when I get an invitation to go drinking. my face turns sour.


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