Wednesday, May 12, 2010

MSN and a new name card

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before reading, we would like to announce that we will be on MSN! Add us at:



I just designed my new name card :)
*LOL don't expect much as I'm not a design student..*

Why so sudden?

Because people ask me all the time for it! AND my previous ones are all given away.. So.. Tadaaa!

(Finally after MUCH procrastinating..)

NEW design by me ;)

OLD design by heidi

Kudos to dearest Heidi :) She helped me with my 1st design and actually did a logo which I am still using up till today :D

So, which is better? OLD or NEW?

Speaking of Heidi, she just tagged me on FB!

she bought Luxury Shoes/Simply Simple in IVORY from Miss OCD ;)


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