Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Things I heart

OKAY *deep breathes* i totally feel liks SPAZING out right now as i look at this Singaporean online shopping blog. The stuffs are so amazing I was gasping for air and squealing like mad when i browsed down on their stuff. TRUST me it's amazing you will not regret it. AHHHHHHH I want to GO TO BANGKOK so bad you don't even understand :(
say HI to super skinnies :D


TUTU's!!! Can be a dress or a swishy skirt omg i loveeee!


this are for those days where things just go effortless i totally hearttt!


oh zipper shoes!!!! :D I LIKEEEEEE I already have 2 but thats not the point.


and mini dresss! so uber cute you could get away with anything wearing this.. AWWW!


another tutu love! :D I LOVE TUTU'S!!!


bow patterned skirts are LOVE! :D So feminineeeee like.. who me? ;)


i love the grafiti skirt so omg lovely and genius! :D


the skirt is so pretty i love the one in RED


AHHHH love this toooo!


yellow shoes are cool kay *pengsans*


and i love zipperssssssss and this one i like tooooo!


awesome shoes i tell you :D I wantttttttt!


oh gawd i'm gonna spaz out again -.-


i love skirtsss! don't youuuu? so girlyyyyy and yayyyyy!


i love this kinda skirts! i loveee i loveeeeeee <3>


i want to go to Bangkok so bad, you don't even understand.

ahem. or at least earning in Singapore Dollars so I don't feel so bad when buying em instead :D


TenderBlush said...

hahah oMG! i saw the blog too! and i was swearing like a mad person!!!

so atlast, i ordered the haywire high heels! hahahahahahah i juST couldn't help it....


Miss OCD said...

hahahaha! seriously? woahhh.. same here man. i was mad too :) how are the shoes?

TenderBlush said...

hahahahha YEAAAAHP! but the blog is selling their stuff at a reaLLY HIGH price! some of the tops she's selling, i have it, and it doesn't cost me that much though. Say, a top that i got in the states for $30, she's selling at $50-$60. That is withoUT the shipping.

lol. But for those crazy haywire, i tried looking for it elsewhere, cldnt manage too. hahaha so those can be an exception! hahahaha

the shoes are pre-order. So, i can only "touch" it in April! :( so sad! hahahahahah but will let u know as soon as i get to lay my hands on those beauty! hahahahaha

Miss OCD said...

woooah! ohhh? they pre-ordered it ehhh? coolness! let me know hun!