Wednesday, April 14, 2010

a weekly update...

shoot! i really have to start blogging more.. :/

anyways, just a little update.. EUMORA has been working awesome! :D This is my 6-7 week using it and i'm using my 2nd soap!

current FB profile pica :)

had a little fun last weekend :)

was told by a friend I was on f21 which was @#R#$ for me because I was told by chictopia my picture would be used for an email blast.. little did i know.. hmmm :) thank you to chictopia!

my current obsession : HAREM + jumpsuits! i loveeee!

I just submitted this pic for WEARnesday :)

I promise i will blog more. My readers, please don't give up on me :D



Beverly Tam said...

OMG! I so like ur high waisted shorts!! Do bring in some in to OCD okie? I really want one if u can find some!! Cant find nice ones anywhere... =.=!

Anyway..Love ur style! Really my inspiration! ♥ Keep it up! =D

Miss OCD said...

thanks dear :) will try to bring them in :D